PDFL Handbook 2019-2020

Rules (Cont) For Minor Extraordinary General Meetings an electronic voting ballot can be sent via email at the discretion of the Board. A Ballot paper with voting boxes will be sent out for clubs to vote, there will also be a box for clubs that wish to abstain. On the bottom will be a section that requests an extraordinary meeting. If five Clubs tick this box a full meeting will be convened.

A ballot email will be sent out and must be completed by The Club Secretary and replied to within seven working days; if no reply is received the League office will contact the Club to ensure their vote has been cast.

Extraordinary General Meeting Electronic Ballot Paper

I ………………………………………………………………….……………. Club Secretary (Please write your full name)

of………………………………………………………………….…………. Football Club

Signed this………..day of……………………….………..20…..

Signature ……………………………………………………………………………….

The ballot must be returned by………………………….

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