Hunts Youth League Handbook 2014-15

Appointing a Club Welfare Officer (CWO)

Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility – including The FA’s, as the game’s governing body in this country. It is FA policy that, to be able to affiliate for the 2009-10 season, every club which runs an under-18 team must have a Club Welfare Officer who has: š Wd ÉWYY[fj[ZÊ 9H8 Y^[Ya l_W J^[ <7 9H8 Kd_j š Yecfb[j[Z J^[ <7 IW\[]kWhZ_d] 9^_bZh[d mehai^ef \ehc[hbo ademd Wi 9^_bZ fhej[Yj_ed WdZ X[ij fhWYj_Y[ mehai^ef From the start of the 2008 – 2009 Season Welfare E\ÓY[hi m[h[ h[gk_h[Z je ^Wl[ Wd ÉWYY[fj[ZÊ eh Wi W c_d_ckc Wd É_d fhe]h[iiÊ [d^WdY[Z 9H8 Y^[Ya l_W J^[ <7 9H8 Kd_j1 ie YbkXi Wbh[WZo W\Ób_Wj[Z _d j^[ (&&. Å (&&/ I[Wied m_bb Wbh[WZo ^Wl[ Yecfb_[Z m_j^ j^_i h[gk_h[c[dj$ And going forwards… From the start of the 2010-2011 Season your Welfare Officer must have: š Wd ÉWYY[fj[ZÊ 9H8 Y^[Ya l_W J^[ <7 9H8 Kd_j š Yecfb[j[Z J^[ <7 IW\[]kWhZ_d] 9^_bZh[d mehai^ef š Yecfb[j[Z J^[ <7 M[b\Wh[ E\ÓY[h mehai^ef Key Roles and Responsibilities J^[ 9bkX M[b\Wh[ E\ÓY[h ^Wi jme a[o h[ifedi_X_b_j_[i these are: 1. Je X[ Yb[Wh WXekj j^[ YbkXi h[ifedi_X_b_j_[i m^[d running activities for children and young people. This involves: š [dikh_d] j^[i[ h[ifedi_X_b_j_[i Wh[ m[bb kdZ[hijeeZ by others š meha_d] m_j^ j^[ Oekj^ B[W]k[ M[b\Wh[ E\ÓY[h š meha_d] m_j^ j^[ 9ekdjo <7 9<7 M[b\Wh[ E\ÓY[h š ^[bf_d] je Z[l[bef X[ij#fhWYj_Y[ fheY[ii[i WdZ fhecej_d] J^[ <7Êi H[if[Yj Fhe]hWcc[

2. Je ^[bf YbkX f[hiedd[b kdZ[hijWdZ m^Wj j^[_h ÉZkjo e\ YWh[Ê jemWhZi Y^_bZh[d WdZ oekd] f[efb[ WYjkWbbo means and entails on a day-to-day basis ?j _i [ii[dj_Wb j^Wj j^[ 9bkX M[b\Wh[ E\ÓY[h _i f[hY[_l[Z as being approachable, having a child centred approach WdZ j^[ WX_b_jo je cW_djW_d j^_i f[hif[Yj_l[ m^[d YWhho_d] out their role. The type of person that would make a good Club Welfare Officer is someone who: š WbmWoi fkji Y^_bZh[dÊi m[b\Wh[ Óhij š _i W ]eeZ Yecckd_YWjeh Where to start š CWa[ _j ademd Wced]ij oekh YbkXÊi c[cX[hi _dYbkZ_d] parents/carers that you need to appoint a Welfare Officer onto the committee š Fhel_Z[ Wbb c[cX[hi _dYbkZ_d] fWh[dji%YWh[hi m_j^ the relevant information about this role š <_dZ ekj _\ Wdoed[ _dlebl[Z m_j^ j^[ YbkX eh m^e _i ademd Xo iec[ed[ _d j^[ YbkX ^Wi Wdo fhe\[ii_edWb child protection expertise, you may have someone m_j^ W \Wc_bo c[cX[h m^e _i eh mWi W feb_Y[ e\ÓY[h" j[WY^[h eh ieY_Wb meha[h j^Wj c_]^j X[ m_bb_d] je jWa[ on the role š ;dikh[ oek ^Wl[ W \W_h WdZ ef[d h[Yhk_jc[dj fheY[ii _d b_d[ m_j^ oekh YbkX Yedij_jkj_ed" oek cWo m_i^ je WZl[hj_i[ j^[ heb[ ed oekh YbkX m[Xi_j[" j^hek]^ gkWhj[hbo%cedj^bo Yecckd_YWj_edi oek Wbh[WZo have in place š 8[\eh[ Wffe_dj_d] oekh M[b\Wh[ E\ÓY[h [dikh[ j^Wj you have considered their appropriateness for this heb[ Xo Y^[Ya_d] j^[c W]W_dij J^[ <7Êi IW\[]kWhZ_d] 9^_bZh[d F[hied If[Y_ÓYWj_ed WdZ Ik_jWX_b_jo 9^[Yab_ij Z[jW_b[Z X[bem0 š ^Wi W Yecced i[di[ WffheWY^ š _i m_bb_d] je b[Whd WdZ i[[a WZl_Y[ š _i el[h j^[ W][ e\ '.

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